Joey Baloney
"Mr. Baloneyman"
Animal Advocates is a Pittsburgh organization dedicated to rescuing and placing abandoned dogs and cats. They do not have a shelter, but place the animals in foster homes while searching for permanent homes for them. They believe that a foster home will make the animal more accustomed to humans than a cage in a shelter, and thus more adoptable.
Joey was found in a dumpster in Wilkinsburg when he was a very young kitten, and placed with Tippi - this was her first experience as a foster mother.
Within two weeks she was so attached to Joey that she decided that she would adopt him! (Animal Advocates lose more foster parents that way!)
Joey looks like he should be a clown, with his wide eyed look and exclamation point nose and mouth. But he is not. He is a very serious, cautious little cat, light on his feet and quick to bolt. No, he is not a clown. On the other hand, his new mom -----
Tippi was wearing a new black and white dress. Larry said she looked like Joey's twin (she actually thought she looked more like a Gateway box in that dress, and it didn't last long). But Quick! She ran to her makeup kit and completed the transformation. Larry thought they looked so funny together he took this picture.
About a year later, one of the local radio stations had a contest to promote the stage play, "FUNNY GIRL". Tippi submitted the photo of herself and Joey and won! The prize - 4 tickets to the play, and dinner for 4 at a very fancy restaurant down town - was worth about $400. Ever since then we have called Joey our $400 cat. With Vet bills being what they are, he has worked it off to about $4.95.
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