The Comden Cats

Comden cat door Here is the Comden Cat Door. It links the greenhouse (which opens into the living room) with the vestibule; there is a second cat door linking the vestibule with the Great Outdoors.
Through this portal pass some of the finest cats in Baldwin Boro. Click on each name to read his or her story, and see some wonderful pictures of some wonderful cats!
Gudmunder bros

The Gudmunder Brothers

Goodie and Gummi

We will start our story of the Comden Cats with Goodie and Gummi. They were not the first Comden Cats, oh, no, many others came before, but they were the start of our present gang.
The Comden house had been berift of cats for several months following the death of Smokey. Tippi pined for a cat, but midwinter was a hard time to find a kitten. Eventually, one cold and snowy January day, she heard of two ginger kittens, and brought them home inside her ski jacket. Larry had said she could have a cat. Singular. She put the kittens in the spare room and brought them out one at a time. When he asked the kitten's name, she said, "Gudmunder" - named after a red headed Icelandic friend.

cat condo

Eventually they were allowed out of the spare room and into the house together, and the secret was out. One was called Gummi and the other Goodie. It was hard to tell them apart, except that Goodie, having left his mother too early in life, liked to suck on Gummi's fur - and Gummi was always gummy! But Goodie was badly named, because he was always B A A D.
A house with a pair of kittens is a joyful house. They are such comedians! They got into such mischief! We would laugh until our sides split.
A doting aunt gave them this cat condo. What fun, as they chased each other through it, flipping out of the upper door and scooting in the lower. These pictures are frames from a little video of their act which was shown on "America's Funiest Home Movies".
And then they became adolescent cats and began to explore the Great Outdoors. Unfortunately the Great Outdoors included Cars and the Main Street, and Gummi wandered down there one night and was hit by a car. We cried at his death and buried him in the back yard. He had missed so much.

Goodie is a very intelligent little cat. He loves to play "fetch" with a piece of paper that has been scrunched into a ball. He likes TV. His favorite is the National Geographic video of Cats. return to top

Mr. Peach


Mr. Peachie Keen

Soon after Gummi's death, a neighbor mentioned that there was a little orange cat hanging around the garden center. She would make a good companion to Goodie.
Larry frowned when he heard this conversation. "I will only go to look" I promised.
She was a pretty little cat, fluffy, with a round little belly. She looked like a furry little peach. The garden center people said she was very friendly, and was looking for a home. In the meantime, they were feeding her, and letting her sleep in a bale of hay.
That belly put me off. I didn't want a pregnant little cat, no matter how friendly or pretty. I went home empty handed.
Mr. Peach But the next day was rainy, a cold, hard rain. As soon as I got home from work I grabbed up my cat carrier and went down to the garden center. Peach, a little wet and purring loudly, came home with me.
I remembered a Miss Peach from the comic strips, and named her that, thinking of the possibility of little ones. We made an appointment with the vet for as soon as possible.
"Her belly could be worms" said the vet when I worried about a pregnancy. But first, an examination. He went to take her temperature.
"oh, oh" said the vet, as he inserted the thermometer. "What! What is it?" I cried out alarmed.
"It seems your Miss Peach is really -- " and here he lowered his voice and made it muscular - "is really MR. PEACH!" Until that moment, we had none of us looked!

Everyone at the Animal Hospital had a good laugh about Mr. Peach, and each visit since the receptionist says, "Oh here is the famous MR PEACH!" And the round little belly was a case of worms, very easily taken care of.

Mr. Peach is a floppy little cat. One of my friends calls him a "rag doll" - I don't know if that is an official breed or not, but when you pick him up he flops like there wasn't a bone in his body. And he loves the odor of dirty old sneakers. If sneakers are left out of the closet, you are likely to find Peach with his head stuck in one, breathing deep.

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Joey Baloney

"Mr. Baloneyman"

young joey

Animal Advocates is a Pittsburgh organization dedicated to rescuing and placing abandoned dogs and cats. They do not have a shelter, but place the animals in foster homes while searching for permanent homes for them. They believe that a foster home will make the animal more accustomed to humans than a cage in a shelter, and thus more adoptable.
Joey was found in a dumpster in Wilkinsburg when he was a very young kitten, and placed with Tippi - this was her first experience as a foster mother.
Joey's mom Within two weeks she was so attached to Joey that she decided that she would adopt him! (Animal Advocates lose more foster parents that way!)
Joey looks like he should be a clown, with his wide eyed look and exclamation point nose and mouth. But he is not. He is a very serious, cautious little cat, light on his feet and quick to bolt. No, he is not a clown. On the other hand, his new mom -----
Tippi was wearing a new black and white dress. Larry said she looked like Joey's twin (she actually thought she looked more like a Gateway box in that dress, and it didn't last long). But Quick! She ran to her makeup kit and completed the transformation. Larry thought they looked so funny together he took this picture.
About a year later, one of the local radio stations had a contest to promote the stage play, "FUNNY GIRL". Tippi submitted the photo of herself and Joey and won! The prize - 4 tickets to the play, and dinner for 4 at a very fancy restaurant down town - was worth about $400. Ever since then we have called Joey our $400 cat. With Vet bills being what they are, he has worked it off to about $4.95.

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The Buckster


There are not many pictures of Buckie. He is not an especially photogenic cat. He is, mainly, fat. A lot of us can relate to that, can't we?
He came in the cat door one day and was sleeping on the couch when Tippi came home from work.
He raised his head. "My name is Buckie" he said, "and I live here." Had we put it to a vote, he would not have stayed. Goodie, Peach, and Joey were not pleased with this stranger in their midst. He was a very difficult little cat. His testosterone levels were very high, his skin was as tough as armor and he was a little scrapper. And, as unaltered males will do, he marked the house. A lot.

"This will not do" we said. He did not want to leave. An operation was arranged.
I have read that altered males will go to sloth and fat; this is the first cat we've had that followed that rule. He sleeps and eats.

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Goodie Leaves Home

At about this time, an event occurred that caused Goodie to leave home. He was grazed by a car one afternoon. Tippi rushed home from work, took him to the animal hospital. His leg was fractured and would need an operation and a lengthy recuperation.
"Family Leave" at Tippi's place of work did not include staying home with injured cats. A neighbor (a real cat lover) offered to take him in and nurse him. And when the pins were removed and he was proclaimed well, he did not want to leave her. He became her cat. He still comes through our cat door, but only as a visitor.

Soots Galore

  • The stray cat will only be fed dry cat food.
  • The stray cat will only be fed dry cat food, and allowed to clean the other cat's dishes.
  • The stray cat will be given a bowl of her own.
  • The stray cat will only be allowed in the greenhouse.
  • The stray cat will come and go at will, as with all the other cats.
  • We will take the stray cat to the shelter.
  • We will put an ad in the paper, and then take her to the shelter.
  • We will not take her to the shelter.
  • We will not name the stray.

But she looks like she has rolled in some soot -----
"Zut alors! What is this? Another cat!"
Soots Galore

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Links to our other cat friends: