Plumaria is the Villa of Paul and Alyce Jordan. Situated 600' above Cruz Bay, it is a beautiful tropical villa set in lush gardens, with two bedrooms (each with private bath) facing the main house across a small swimming pool. There is a loft in the main house that sleeps 2. (we fit 3, with few complaints)

With cross ventilation and ceiling fans, there is always a breeze blowing through the great room and loft. The kitchen is fully equipped, and behind it, a laundry room

Our house gecko and an outside admirer. He hung around the living room, and never got under foot!

On to equipment and contest

A Caribbean recipe -- mashed yuca root

We ate mashed yuca in Puerto Rico and loved it! Now I was back in the Caribbean, with a lot of time on my hands, and yuca root plentiful and cheap in the local grocery. This root was about a pound and a half.

The next step is to slice it lengthwise in 1" slices and peel it. It is not hard to do, the peel comes right off. You can see some of the peelings on the right side of the picture.
Quarter the slices.

Put the yuca chunks in a saucepan, cover with water and boil for about 10 minutes.
Then add 1 cup of cold water. Bring back to a boil, and boil until the yuca pieces are tender.
The cold water makes the yuca more tender.

As you mash the yuca pieces, you'll have to remove the tough center fibers with a fork or fingers. Fingers are easier.

Serve with butter and salt & pepper. A good substitute for mashed potatoes, if little starchier.