Prologue -- the Storyteller walks across the stage with two friends.
Spies the audience!
Invites some to come on stage, where her friends costume them.
She has a story to tell!

song: Look Again


Scene 1. The Wedding at Cana -- John 2:1-11

Wherein water is turned to wine.

  • Dance
  • song: A Miracle Made to Order

Scene 2. The Samaritan woman and Nicodemus -- John 4:7-30; 39-42

The Samaritan woman is at the well, and is surprised when Jesus asks her for some water. Nicodemus, the Pharisee, has questions of his own.

Scene 3. Jesus heals the paralyzed man
John 5.1 - 18

song: "Do You Really Want the World to Change?"

Scene 4. The fishes and the loaves John 6:1-15

By dividing 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes, Jesus feeds the multitude.

song: "Five Thousand to One"

Scene 5. Woman taken in Adultery - John 8:2-22

"Whoever is without sin, he shall cast the first stone."

song: "Walking to the edge"

Scene 6. Healing the blind man
- John 9

song: A Miracle Made to Order

Scene 7. Raising of Lazarus John 11:1-14

song: I can't remember a thing

song: A Miracle Made to Order

Act 2 - The Events of Holy Week

Scene 1 - John 12:1-8 Jesus annointed at Bethany

song: A strange Way of Looking at the World


Scene 2 - Palm Sunday

  • song: Look Again
  • children's dance

Scene 3 - The Last Supper John 18:28-19:16

song: Who is the servant now?

Scene 4 - Jesus taken before Pontius Pilate

Scene 5 - Crucifiction - 19:1 - 16:30

song: family

Scene 6. Mary Magdelene at the Tomb John 20:1-18

They call this the empty tomb

...... dance

Scene 7 - Jesus appears to his desciples. John 20:19-29; John 21:1-19

  • song: Something happened here.

  • song: Family

the Grand Finale

and a gift of thanks to Bill & Nancy Gottshall